Advantages of the TikTok Events API

It’s every marketer’s nightmare – that their carefully crafted, detailed campaign with significant funds invested into it will flop for one reason or another. It may be because of improper attribution, incorrect targeting, technical glitches or simply a poorly mapped customer journey. However, it is now frequently happening because not enough data signals are being sent back to the ad platform. Cookieless future is terrifying for advertisers, but there are ways to get better marketing visibility and grow your business even under these circumstances. 

TikTok Events API is one of the surest ways to use events data to power your dynamic TikTok ads, get better attribution and improve custom targeting. 

This server-to-server connection mode allows you to send visitor events from your business website or app back to TikTok. 

The data is processed in a way much similar to TikTok Pixel, but it comes with some significant advantages, which is why it is recommended to use them both for optimal results. 

Let’s take a look at what TikTok Events API is and how it can help you boost your campaign performance. 

TikTok event API

TikTok Events API – advanced TikTok conversion tracking

TikTok Events API is a server-to-server interface designed to provide advertisers with a secure and reliable connection between TikTok and ad marketing data (website, app, CRM, server). Using this channel, marketers can send events or actions their customers take directly to TikTok. 

The concept is similar to that of the Facebook Conversions API, for instance. It is also what the TikTok Pixel does, but with a significant advantage. 

The problem with Pixel is that it’s not always accurate, and, because of ad blockers, it doesn’t always work. 

TikTok Events API gets around this issue, and it also allows you to customize the events you want to share with TikTok, thanks to rich privacy options. You can set which specific events you want to track and share with TikTok, and you can also specify the timing. 

Ad blockers – no longer a problem! 

The browser-side TikTok Pixel is fine, but it is powerless when faced with ad blockers. By implementing TikTok Events API (or, ideally, combining the two, but more on that later), you get to bypass this issue, since TikTok Events API can work around not just ad blockers but also iOS tracking restrictions and cookie ban. 

It also guarantees a steady flow of data to TikTok regardless of various client-side issues, such as poor connectivity or clearing their browser.

The TikTok Events API advantage is that by capturing all relevant conversions, marketers can significantly improve measurement and targeting. 

More control over what you share with TikTok

The TikTok Events API allows marketers to specify which exact events they want to track and send back to TikTok. You get to decide which data you want to share, and you can even specify at what times. For instance, you may want to share add to cart events but only on specific days or at specific times. The point is that data sharing privacy settings allow you to share only the data that aligns with your marketing objectives and that you can actually benefit from. 

Moreover, with server-side tracking (as opposed to browser-side), the privacy of your customers is protected, too. 

Events API + Pixel = The most complete solution

In order to keep up with the changes in the advertising ecosystem and to make sure not to miss a single potential conversion, TikTok recommends incorporating both TikTok Events API and the TikTok Pixel. That way you can keep your existing campaigns in place while perfecting the connection between your business and the TikTok platform and its rich advertising tools. 

What does the Events API+Pixel combination do?

  • Allows you to broaden the scope of shared  conversions 
  • Helps improve measurements throughout the entire funnel
  • Optimizes TikTok ad delivery 
  • Improves creation of customer audiences
  • Helps you adapt to ad industry changes

There are a few considerations to keep in mind here, though. 

First of all, TikTok Events API is more resource-intensive than TikTok Pixel. The TikTok Pixel is lightweight, quick and automated, and the TikTok Events API requires a server on which to store customer information such as Click ID, Advanced Matching, IP address and User Agent. In most cases, it also requires dedicated staff (developers, martech experts, etc). 

Additionally, if you plan to use TikTok Events API and TikTok Pixel side by side, you need to create a setup that mirrors the Pixel setup. Because you will capture and share the same events, you will need to set up deduplication between the two data attribution channels, which means discarding one of the two identical events to prevent redundancy. This means that, when setting up TikTok Events API, you will also need to set aside some time to set up deduplication. 

How to set up the TikTok Events API? 

If you’ve decided to set up the TikTok Events API (and ideally to combine it with the TikTok Pixel), there are a few ways to go about it. 

  • Commerce Partner integration: if you are working with a TikTok Commerce partner, you can set up the integration directly in the TikTok’s Events Manager. It only takes a few minutes and the process is rather straightforward, but the data deduplication will require some past knowledge to make sure it is working properly. A good TikTok Events API developer can help with that.
  • Data Partner Integration: for those teaming up with a TikTok Data Partner, which includes CMSs, CDPs or Tag Managers, the interaction should be carried out through your partner. Again, there is need for some experience to set this up correctly and to make sure the data is deduplicated.
  • Direct Integration: for advertisers that want to handle the integration themselves, with complete control and autonomy from the partner platforms and solutions, direct integration is available following TikTok’s Marketing API guidelines. Note that this method will require the help of developers. 

Once you’ve completed the integration, it is recommended to define a range of matching data in order to further optimize ad targeting. 

TikTok recommends sharing the following match keys in order to accurately identify and track website visitors to TikTok users and measure their events: 

  • Click ID
  • First-party cookies
  • Advanced matching (hashing required): email, phone, external ID
  • User agent and user IP address

TikTok Events API Success

From what we outlined today, it’s clear that no TikTok advertiser should skip adding TikTok Events API to their marketing toolset. 

The TikTok Events API is a powerful, secure and streamlined way to give a huge boost to your TikTok advertising optimization efforts, by making sure all relevant conversions are accurately tracked and measured. More insights lead to better TikTok targeting and attribution, and better overall success of the campaigns. 

Combined with the TikTok Pixel, the TikTok Events API offers a complete solution that overcomes many of the obstacles in today’s advertising ecosystem and provides a clear and accurate insight into the dynamics between a business and its TikTok ads

We also saw that setting up TikTok Events API correctly and preventing duplicate signals requires some time and know-how. The Adcoom TikTok technical marketing experts are at your disposal to give you a hand with anything you might need – get in touch and let’s boost your TikTok campaigns together!

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