TikTok Lead Generation ads: Ultimate guide

As life goes slowly back to normal, TikTok still remains a part of the everyday life of many users that fell in love with the app during the curfews and quarantines. 

But, while the never-ending buzz around the platform goes with us in the new post-pandemic world, business marketers still are skeptical about so much praise for the potential of advertising on the app. Proof of success by some of the visionary brands that adopted TikTok early isn’t enough – question remains, is it worth it to include TikTok in your advertising activities?

User growth is accelerating, but TikTok is constantly working on new ways to enhance the experience for both its users and marketers. The latest result of these efforts is the new ad format on TikTok, the Lead Generation option, designed to create potential customers and drive conversions for businesses on the app. Today, we dig into reasons why this is a breakthrough moment for many advertisers and additional, if all previous weren’t enough, to once again consider TikTok as a place to do your marketing!

tik tok lead gen

What makes it such a big deal?

With so many ways at our disposal, using email campaigns, social networks and blog posts, businesses dedicate large budgets for lead generation purposes. So, what makes TikTok’s approach so special?

First of all, TikTok’s Lead Generation ads are designed to allow your customers to share information about them without leaving the app at any time. A big part of this process is automated, making the whole process even simpler. No more waiting for those landing pages to load and long forms that interrupt the user’s experience.

The instant form is preceded by a video, so all the advantages of mobile-first campaigns that TikTok nourishes can be used here. This comes in handy for creating interest while approaching potential customers, especially if you aim at Gen-Zers and Millennials.

The information collected in forms is stored on TikTok and available for download at any time, also allowing you to integrate data directly to your CRM. Primarily recognized as a perfect fit for industries such as gaming, entertainment, retail, education, franchise and automotive, thanks to its customization options, Lead Generation Ads can help any business on TikTok to reach their customer base and generate revenue. There are even brands that are using the TikTok lead forms for B2B lead generation.

More about Instant Form

Now, the time has come to make a short review of all the available ways to customize your lead questionnaire and gather contact information, help them learn about your company, pop some questions or schedule an appointment.

To fulfill the needs of different types of industries, TikTok introduced to us two types of forms – volume type, designed for quick and easy generation of leads, and higher intent type, that helps screen for more engaged prospects.

The Instant form allows you to welcome your leads with a Brand Image placed in the header. There is also room to share some basic information about you and your company with everything from the logo, over the Displayed Name option, to the Headline and Promotion Slogan completely customizable in the process.

There’s also room for Custom Question and even different types! Short answer, Multiple Choice and Appointment Scheduling are all at your disposal. You can add up to 10 questions with the quick fill-in options available for questions like name, phone number, email address or gender.

The Thank You screen follows the completion of the Instant Form and also provides some cool features like adding the Call to Action Button, allowing you to drive traffic to your website or app install page. During the whole process, the Mobile Preview panel will provide you with a display of how your form looks like on TikTok. 

How to set up Lead Generation for your business?

TikTok’s Lead Generation ads are now available to all the markets globally. For all those familiar with the TikTok Ads Manager, this process should be a piece of cake. Just like the other advertising objectives available in the app, to set up this format you will have to create a campaign, ad group, and ad using the Manager.For all those not so good with the TikTok ad suite, hiring a specialized TikTok agency like Adcoom is worth considering. With the team of professionals at your disposal, leveraging ads and engaging creative designs for your target group will effectively create leads and instantly make an impact on your business. Reach out to us anytime anytime! Our people will always be at your disposal to introduce you to all the beauty behind TikTok marketing and lead acquisition and provide you answers and ideas on how to tame this new wave! The immense popularity of the app is there for a reason!

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