Introducing TikTok Pulse, a New Way to Supercharge Ad Performance

No matter how good your marketing campaign might be, in order to get the best results for your business, it first needs to reach the target audience that has a need for your products and services. We have already written about the things that make TikTok an ideal tool for this job, and the latest feature called Pulse is only going to solidify its place at the top.

Pulse allows brands to embrace the relevant communities like never before and bring their content to those who will appreciate it. Today, we will take a closer look at this feature and explain why it can be a game-changer for your brand, allowing you to supercharge your ad performance. Here’s where you can start.

TikTok Pulse

What is TikTok Pulse and why do you need to pay attention to this feature?

TikTok spoiled its users with a custom “For You Feed”. This page displays content based on the user’s desires and interests, making it an endless source of interesting and engaging content. Up until recently, this section was off-limits to most businesses, but things are finally starting to change. With a new feature called TikTok Pulse, brands have a chance to display their carefully crafted ads right next to the 4% of the most popular videos on the entire platform.

A 3rd party research shows that pulse increases both brand favorability and brand recognition, and most importantly, positively affects purAdcoom intent among users. Just by showing your content to users who are open-minded and even actively searching for ways to entertain themselves, you have a much better chance to establish a stronger presence, compared to regular ads.

What industry is best suited for Pulse Ads?

While it is true that all industries can profit from a good marketing plan, some products and services are simply better suited to capture the imagination of potential customers. On the other hand, a great creative idea is more than enough to highlight the advantages of your brand and turn those views into purAdcooms. 

Starting from June 2022, TikTok Pulse Ads will serve as another great channel to get in touch with your target audience. Brands will choose between 12 available categories to display their content, ranging all the way from the beauty industry to sports and cooking. Be careful with the category you choose, as that will give you direct access to users who are specifically looking for that type of content.

Additionally, even if your industry is not covered at the moment, that shouldn’t stop you from trying a creative approach and branching out a little bit. Ultimately, the list of available categories is going to expand in the future, but why wait for that to happen, when you can start reeling in new customers right away?

Creators are rewarded with a share of the ad revenue

Similar to other social media platforms, TikTok now also offers a share of the ad revenue to the content creators that are the creative force behind the app. The only conditions are that the creators are approved and that they have at least 100,000 followers. In that case, they become eligible for a 50% ad revenue share through TikTok Pulse.

This might attract new creators to the platform by creating sources of passive income. Direct sponsorships will probably remain the best and most reliable source of income for creators, but a great thing about the passive income is that it adds up over time, without the need for the constant hustle that may be draining for some people. On the other hand, by drawing in more creators to the platform, TikTok should also open the doors to users who will follow them and boost the quality of the content. It’s a win-win proposition for both parties involved.

When is TikTok Pulse going to become active?

This feature will first become available in June in the USA, with plans to spread worldwide. That should give you some time to start thinking about the creative ways in which you can maximize its potential and use it to increase your brand recognition and boost your ad performance.

If you need help along the way, or you want to have a team of experienced marketing experts to help you hone in on the details and allow you to separate from the competition, give us a call. The more you wait, you give more opportunities to your competitors to shine. Contact us today and let’s take action right now that will benefit your brand for years to come.

Reaching the communities of precisely defined users has never been easier on TikTok. Will the brands pounce on the opportunity as soon as it becomes available? Most definitely. Our advice is to make sure to be a part of that company.

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